Drink Driving Insurance NI

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Compare Drink Driving Insurance Cost in North of Ireland

Having convictions on your driving licence makes it difficult to find a cheap deal on car insurance NI. We have partnered with Quotezone who are able to share your drink driving or drug driving insurance requirements with a select panel of brokers that specialise in drink driving insurance for Northern Ireland residents.

Drug Driving Insurance NI

Weed and other hallucinogenic drugs may come to mind, but a growing number of motorists are being convicted having followed prescription over the counter medicine.

Types of NI car driving convictions

The list of conviction codes is impressive, but we have demystified the more common ones below.

  • Speeding : Including (SP10, SP20, SP30, SP40, SP50)
  • Driving with no insurance (IN10)
  • Dangerous driving (DD10, DD40, DD60, DD80, DD90)
  • Drug driving convictions (DG10, DG30, DR80, DR90)
  • TT99 totting up ban conviction
  • Drink driving convictions (DR10, DR20, DR30, DR31, DR61, DR40, DR50, DR60, DR70)
Common Offence CodesPoints Awarded
SP30Exceeding the speed limit while driving on a public road3
MS10Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position3
CU30Driving a vehicle with defective tyre(s)3
MS70Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight3
CU80Using your phone while driving3
TS30Failing to comply with 'stop' sign3
IN10Driving without insurance6-8
T99Totting up bantotal of penalty points reaches 12 or more within 3 years, will stay on your licence for 4 years

Drink Driving Limits NI

Level of alcoholNorthern Ireland
Micrograms per 100 millilitres of breath35
Milligrammes per 100 millilitres of blood80
Milligrammes per 100 millilitres of urine107

Drink Driving Offences

DR70Failing to provide a specimen for breath test
DR60Failure to provide a specimen for analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive
DR50In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR40In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR61Refusing to give permission for analysis of a blood sample that was taken without consent due to incapacity in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive
DR31Driving or attempting to drive then refusing to give permission for analysis of a blood sample that was taken without consent due to incapacity
DR30Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR20Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR10Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit

Insurance NI with Points on Licence

Points can be awarded for many traffic offences, the most common is speeding or SP30. If you have built up points or a have a conviction, it is difficult to find even insurance companies that will quote you. However, if you do the research, you will be able to find insurance that you can afford to pay, so you are back on the road again. In some cases, this may involve having to scale back your car to a lower insurance category, making it cheaper to get insurance. The panel can provide you with a range of convicted driving car  or even van insurance quotes. This should help you in your goal of finding an affordable insurance deal for drink driving , drug driving or a licence with points

Introduction of Alcohol interlocks

An alcohol interlock is a device that the driver must blow into and if above the set limit, the engine will not start. This is in operation in Sweden and parts of North America. The Road Charity Brake and others are calling for it to be introduced following figures released in 29019 showing the high number of repeat drink driver offenders. The figure was a shocking 5,000 repeat offenders (England, Wales, Scotland and NI combined) over a period of 4 years.

*51% of consumers could save £359.61 on their Car Insurance. The saving was calculated by comparing the cheapest price found with the average of the next five cheapest prices quoted by insurance providers on Seopa Ltd’s insurance comparison website. This is based on representative cost savings from November 2022 data. The savings you could achieve are dependent on your individual circumstances and how you selected your current insurance supplier.

*51% of consumers could save £504.25 on their Car Insurance. The saving was calculated by comparing the cheapest price found with the average of the next five cheapest prices quoted by insurance providers on Seopa Ltd’s insurance comparison website. This is based on representative cost savings from September 2023 data. The savings you could achieve are dependent on your individual circumstances and how you selected your current insurance supplier.

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