Compare Open and Direct Car Insurance

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Who Were Open and Direct Car Insurance

Open and Direct was the provider of car and home insurance to NI residents. Apart from its very popular "open and direct car insurance product", they also offered other insurance products, including NI home insurance. They were established in 2000 as part of a Belfast based financial services company. They have now been swallowed up by Abbey Auto Line. The head office was in Coleraine, and they subsequently spread throughout the North and opened local branches in Belfast, Derry, Newtownards and Dungiven.

Abbey Autoline Buying Up The Insurance Competition in Northern Ireland 

Like other NI insurance companies, Open Direct is now a part of Abbey Autoline NI.  Abbey Autoline is by far the biggest car insurance provider in Northern Ireland, followed by the likes of AXA NI Car insurance and Hughes insurance.

Why Car Insurance NI is Expensive 

Whilst the founders of these local NI insurance companies walkaway with a big pay cheque, the net result is less choice for NI consumers. The most recent was Brain Mcgurgan insurance(BMG) who started off in Portadown and has now also sold out to Abbey Autoline

In the past, having less choice was one of the findings of research carried out by the Northern Ireland Assembly on why car Insurance was more expensive than in the UK. 

Quote from paper  "even with our higher premiums, consumers who shop around could save as much as £267‟

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