Compare Riviera Taxi Insurance
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Who are Riviera Insurance
The name does stand out when compared to the industry standards of Acorn Westminster, Haven, DCL, Bells and the many others that not occupy this space of niche providers of taxi insurance. Riviera are n based in Torquay and have taken their unusual name from the stunning coastline of Torbay’s English Riviera. They started off small with a shared office space employing just 2 people, Riviera Insurance group now employ a team of over 25 advisors across four different insurance broker brands.
Today they claim to handle over 6300 policyholders and write over £6.5 million pounds in insurance premiums. They pride themselves in offering an exceptional customer service and painless claims process. To be fair, they have a huge following and lots of great reviews on both Google and Facebook
Why Riviera
Riviera Taxi Insurance Products
Riviera are able to provide a range of taxi insurance products that include:
What is Riviera Taxi Insurance?
This is the service that has earned Riviera its street cred. The Riviera Taxi Insurance policy is specifically tailored to account for the unique risks and requirements associated with carrying fare-paying passengers. They understand that taxi drivers face distinct challenges and responsibilities in their line of work, and they have developed insurance policies are designed to address these specific needs.
What is Riviera PSV Minibus Insurance?
This is taxi insurance for vehicles that have been registered as a minibus that will seat between 9 and 17 passengers and is different to standard minibus insurance for social or business use. The minibus can be adopted for wheelchair access or other purposes. Minibuses often have different levels of use, which can include:
What is Riviera Chauffeur Insurance?
Riviera have developed a Chauffeur Insurance policy aimed at the unique risks associated with a chauffeur’s profession. It goes beyond standard vehicle cover, it understands the potential for high value claims and the need for you to maintain your professional reputation should any claims need to be handled.